Google Wave

Wells and Wave

Welcome to the wonderful world of Google Wave. Wells is proud to announce the addition of Google Wave to all of your regular mail accounts. In developing this innovative program, Google set out to rebuild email, which was developed over 40 years ago and has served as an excellent form of communication to the present.  By incorporating all forms of multimedia – including e-mail – and creating a platform that fosters productivity and growth now, all of dialogue with others can now be recorded in individual, contained groups. What does this mean for Wells students?

  • Increased collaboration with peers, teachers and administration
  • Increased productivity
  • E-mail support
  • Robot programs to carry out mundane tasks
  • Ability to communicate through social networking sites
  • Ability to post Waves directly on blogs
  • Support for all file attachments
  • Plugins being released daily
  • Full playback support for Wave communication
  • Ability to bring people in or move people out of Waves at any time
  • Real-time chatting via pings
  • And much more to come…

Wave was based on the premise that all successful internet applications develop over time, thus growing with the Internet and its users.  Already, a series of tools to aid developers in creating applications has been released, and through the coming years, additional support will be created to facilitate further support for schools. By tapping into this technology, Wells continues to remain on the cutting edge of education.


Joseph W Becker
ICT Department Head

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